Today we’ll talk about the ways to filter user access to some controllers and actions in the Grails application. There are few solutions that could be really useful for implementing this task. So let’s look at a…
Concurrent programs is not a novelty today, almost every modern application executes in multiple threads. But as concurrency brought us better resource utilization and throughput, it also introduced a number of issues nonexistent in serial execution. One…
Modern web applications are counting on the big amount of users, so efficiency is a very important aspect of a web development. Today we’ll talk about the ways to increase efficiency of the web application, developed on…
An immutable object is one whose state cannot be changed after construction. All the beauty in these objects is that they are simple and safe. In multi-threaded applications all concurrency issues boil down to coordinating access to…
Java locks often supersede synchronized blocks and methods by allowing to back out from the synchronization attempt. This post shows how to use the feature, and demonstrates some other basic concepts, like the lock fairness and reentrant…
Using command objects in Grails is a simple way to perform data binding and validation when there is no need to create domain object. In this tutorial I will show you some examples of using it.
This week I would like to talk about aspect oriented programming. A lot of programming paradigms like OOP, modular programming and other, let to divide functionality into logical parts (functions modules, classes). But these functional elements may…
In the world of mathematics real numbers have infinite precision and are therefore continuous and lossless. Floating-point numbers, which are used in computing, are limited with a finite precision and are not evenly spaced throughout their range.…
Short Message Peer to Peer (SMPP) is an open, telecommunications industry protocol for exchanging text messages (SMS) between short message service centers (SMSC) and External Short Messaging Entities (ESMEs). The protocol is often used for connecting to…
This week I’ll tell you about inversion of control. This is very useful thing if you are going to develop dynamic application in compliance with modern approach to software development.
JIRA is a popular issue tracking and project management software. It can be used and accessed by lots of different means like IDE, email client or a web browser. Also there are many plug-ins for all sorts…
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