MindAuth: Multi-Factor Authentication Service

Full-cycle development of a B2B cloud authentication service

About the project

MindAuth is a B2B multi-factor authentication cloud service and a mobile application, created to meet ultimate security demands of Banking, FinTech, and Healthcare web and mobile software products.

What we offered

Android and iOS Apps

Native iOS and Android mobile applications, implemented with React Native, work as a personal identity verification provider that enables users to authenticate through several simple steps, each relying on a different security method such as biometric authentication, or proprietary MindAuth system.

Robust Cloud Service

A SaaS cloud service consists of several fault-tolerant software APIs to scale when needed and reliably serves a multitude of clients. Businesses and software engineers can interact with the service through a web interface to monitor security parameters and keep track of suspicious activities.

Powered by Blockchain

A blockchain at the product core ensures that all the major authentication data is consistent across the system, and cannot be authorized for access by anyone except the end user who owns it. The blockchain layer is geographically distributed guaranteeing consistent performance and availability for every client.

Actionable Security Insights

Created with security in mind, the service extracts and provides businesses with important and actionable information helping to detect potential problems early on. Also included are business-oriented dashboards to enable clients to make data-driven decisions based on who, when, and how their products are being used.

Security-Centered UX Design

The mobile application interface is designed in a way that avoids entering or displaying any sensitive data during the sign in process, allowing fast and secure access to the accounts. Protected by the MindAuth system at all times, the risk of being compromised while using the app in public is greatly reduced.



Play 2



React Native

